I think the thing is that, despite being one of the few, this forum for arranger players must only represent a TINY, tiny fraction of arranger players out there (otherwise ALL the manufacturers would go belly up

For a function like this to be viable, somehow, either through the local stores, or perhaps an online retailer's database, a LOT more arranger players need to be contacted. Probably only a tiny percent of those contacted could actually make the gathering (due to other commitments), even if they WANTED to attend, so the more you get a hold of, the better!
The Shreveport Jam has got itself established a little bit, but even that is attended by just a handful (wish I could make it!), and they travel from all over for it. But maybe Sweetwater could contact their DB of past arranger customers, and swell the ranks to something amazing!
It always frustrates me that the UK has the Pakefield show, where the manufacturers turn up, show off the latest, greatest, some of the best performers in the UK and Europe put on shows, and clinics, and there is a hands on approach to it all. But here in the States, where arrangers are getting VERY hard to find in brick and mortar stores, the manufacturers couldn't give a rat's ass about doing something to promote the very products they are trying to sell!

And then they wonder why sales are dropping... Idiots!